Monday, July 1, 2024

Happy Canada Day, to Canada that we wish


Happy Canada Day, to Canada that we wish

By: Mohamed Sherif Kamel*

Monday, July 1st, 2024

Canada that we have and Canada that we wish

While we celebrate Canada Day, we have to consider this day as a day of reflection to be sure that we understand the history of our country and to look forward for the future we wish to live and to leave to our children

We see Canada the land of freedom, prosperities, Human Rights and democracy, but we should look deeply, we should look back and to see how this country has been built to understand the reality and to make better future

Canada has been built on colonized land taken by force from the Native Canadians, who has been killed and tortured by the invaders, then hade been divided and named after the two then supper power “the French colonies” and “the British colonies” until confederation in 1867.

Even 1867 confederation didn’t correct this injustice, until now we didn’t give the Native Canadians their rights back, even after they willingly accepted that we share this land with them, some might say that we are better than the other two big colonies in USA and Australia, but this not enough and still not Just.

Yes, we are far better than South Africa before the collapse of the apartheid regime, and far better than the apartheid regime in the Palestinian land, but we did supported the apartheid in SA and we still supporting the apartheid in Palestine, and we still deal with the Native Canadians, the owner of this land through our superiority eyeglasses,

Our colonizing mentality drawn down from the white supremacy that is growing back in Europe and here at home, this mentality of the white supremacy didn’t go away as we wish and think, and we still dealing with the Natives at home and abroad through superiority perspective.

We pretend to believe in values but don’t apply it, we pretend to believe in democracy while supporting overthrowing democratically elected governments in the third world because they don’t serve our interest, we close our eyes to torture committed in many counties and put our economical and political interests before Human Rights, more to be said…. We even export our residential and industrial garbage to be stored or burned up on their land.

In home and abroad, we still tolerate discrimination as long as it is to our liking and fight others as it serve our interest

The Canada we want to live in and leave to our children is the one that “walk the talk”, and “practise what it preach”, not that the hypocritic one. One day we will have it, but it is not here today


Happy Canada Day, to Canada that we wish


* Mohamed S. Kamel: is a Freelance writer, the editor of, he is a professional engineer, and a recognized project manager professional (PMP), he is Member of several civil society organizations, a co-founder and ex-Secretary General of The Egyptian Revolutionary Council (ERC), a co-founder and a board member of the Egyptian Canadian Coalition for Democracy (ECCD-CECD). He is a co-founder of the Egyptian Worldwide for Democracy and Justice (EW4DJ), Canadian Egyptian for Democracy (CEFD), National Association for Change in Egypt (Taghyeer – Canada), Alternative Perspective Media (APM-RAM), the Quebec Antiwar movement “Échec à la Guerre”, and the Coalition for Justice and Peace in Palestine “CJPP”. He is the ex-president and co-founder of the Canadian Muslim Forum (CMF-FCM), a member of the board of trustee in the Canadian Muslim for Palestine (CMP) and Community Center for Montreal Muslims (CCMM).


He could be reached at 1-514-863-9202, e-mail:, twitter: @mskamel, blog:,