Thursday, January 26, 2006

Respecting democracy selectively… That why Palestinian chose Hamas…! By: Mohamed Sherif Kamel

Respecting democracy selectively… That why Palestinian chose Hamas…!

By: Mohamed Sherif Kamel*
26 January 2006


Am I supporting Hamas or no? This not the question for many reasons, first of all Hamas is a Palestinian movement secondly they ran in the election and thirdly I am not a Palestinian so I have no right to vote in this election.

But why Palestinian Chose Hamas? Many of the pre-paid analysts started to jump claiming that Palestinian wrongly chosen Hamas because it is a terrorist organization, but Israelis have the right to chose any of their extremist parties, you know why because it is the only democracy in the Middle East! American have the right to chose Bush and Italian has the right to chose right wing party, Canadian have the right to chose right wing party…and name it… Wonderful selective democracy!

So if we are really and sincerely looking for peoples right equally, Palestinian have the right to chose, and us have no say but to respect there choice, this is the democracy, as been defined.

I would like first to discuss the new concept of democracy, election under occupation, it is the new American-Israeli philosophy, and those poor people, under occupation, have no right but to respect it, resistance now a day is defined as terrorism, they occupy your land, you have nothing to do but to beg them to leave, and you have to believe them, they will leave but when the like it is not you to chose.

In Afghanistan, in Iraq and now in what so called the “Palestinian Territories”, they force election, if these people under occupation do not go to the poll or boycott the falls election; they would be labelled as “Anti-Democracy” they do not deserve independent.

So people have to go to poll and chose their representative form the parties accepted by the occupier, not every body have the right to stand in this election, not every body have the right to promote his agenda and not in every where, but people have to chose under the check points and the threaten from the occupier, if you chose “X” candidate you are done, “We will not give you the promised dream of peace”, but if you chose “Y” “We might be negotiating with them for the upcoming years to give you partial country in a prate of your land’.

So people have to choose “Y”, other wise they lost every hope, but people have been failed by the strategy of the bankrupt administration that tried every compromise acceptable and not acceptable and they failed so they have no choice but to go to the only alternative “X”.

But the prepaid analysts still asking why people choosing the so called religious parties in Iraq and Palestine? Are they really asking because thy do not know or they are asking because they try to label Arab and Muslim as “All Terrorist People and Religious Fanatic” or “Terrorist by Nature”. Actually it is both, they really do not know anything about the people conditions and the people will, and they do not went to know, it easier to sleep with your negligence, and to surrender yourselves to the propaganda they are promoting for more almost 60 years and they started to believe it.      

When you but people in a falls test do not blame but yourself, you chose the environment, you wrote the history and the future for them and than you ask why?

Do you really need to know the reality? Believe me you can not handle the reality..! But I will put straight forward.

Palestinian deserve the academy award in patient and in trying every single rood to freedom, those rood that did not lead to anything but more occupation and moor suffering, in the other hand us people of the world deserve the academy award for best actors whom claim helping but do not do more than helping the drown people to die as fast as possible. But because Palestinians are people they will never die and will never drown.

Palestinians since 1947 been promised every single thing starting with the right of return, but give away part of your land to Jewish, 1947 boarders, 1948 truce, 1967 boarders, the apartheid wall…. They lived the mascaras one after the other since “Dear Yaseen”… “Aylol”…”Sabra and Shitela”… “Quana”… but they still alive and strong. People do not die people could not be defeated. They tried Madrid, Oslo, Geneva… and they are day after day loosing lands and people and generations.

Do you still wonder why Palestinians chose Hamas, I am not.  


* Mohamed S. Kamel: is a Freelance writer from Montréal, the editor of I.N. Daily[i]  and the President of the Alternative Perspective Media (APM-RAM[ii]), could be reach at 

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Canada Voted Conservative… Conditionally…! By: Mohamed Sherif Kamel

Canada Voted Conservative… Conditionally…!

By: Mohamed Sherif Kamel*

24 January 2006

First published:


Canada voted, and the Canadian chose Conservative but conditionally, they voted them punishing the Liberal and sending them to the recovering period, recovering from the long period in the government that created a shield of corruption within the party and within the voters who felt that the Liberal is the only option so it has been spoiled by the voters also. Until the voters walk up to see the old Liberal that became the real right wing under Paul Martin and his advisor “Board”[1] whom thought that they can hijack the Liberal and the entire country by directing it there way[2], so people punish them, and we gain the departure of Paul Martin, who thought that being Prime Minister means that he can do whatever he and his Board and lobbying groups likes.

But what also we gain from this election? To know that, we should first understand the satiation right now, Conservatives are going to govern with 124 seat only, that represent 40% of the Parliament seats and with popular vote 36% which is really far from the Liberal 103 seat with 30% of the popular vote, that 36% is the double of the only national left wing party NDP that achieve a huge jump from 19 seats to 29 seats with 17% that represent 50% increase in its chare of the Parliament, while the left wing “regional party” the BQ won 51 seats and 10% of the popular vote coming from Quebec only which occupy less than 25% of the parliament seats as all[3].

We have to watch careful the result of the NDP, BQ and the gain of the Conservative in Quebec, The NDP and the BQ have many in common in addition of being to the left, in addition to that they are both have no hope to form the government and both of them share a huge support from the people. NDP rose from 19 to 29 seats non of them in Quebec, prove that people recognized the importance of the opposition parties specially with the minority government and that what the NDP prove when he force the Liberal to change its Budget in what became know as the NDP budget.

On the other hand the BQ continue in reforming itself as a local “National” party with more visible minority where came Maria Morani, Vivian Barbo and Maka Kota MPs under the BQ platform, the party get more closer to the various communities and understand more and more their issues, so he get their support, while doing that they made the same mistake as the Liberal by taking the vote of the Quebecers in the Quebec city region for granted so Conservative get 10 seats from the BQ reducing his seats in spite that they gain many from the Liberal party. 

In this environment the far right wing government can not govern based on the right wing agenda because it dose not have the mandate to do so, and the official opposition is the Liberal that has only two choice, to align itself with the right wing[4], or clean itself and come back to the people with the real Liberal when we had Pierre Elliott Trudeau[5], when we had once Lester Pearson[6].
At the same time the Conservative could not govern to the far right with a Senate of majority of Liberal and the shadow of election! Yes election that could come anytime and for sure within tow years;

We gain more than this; we gain a minority government[7],


“Canadians need to recall their recent experience with majority governments. Two full decades of back-to-back majorities under successive Conservative (1984–1993) and Liberal (1993–2004) governments have delivered largely on the demands of corporate Canada, not the broader electorate. For Canadian citizens, election promises seemed to vaporize. Instead, these majorities delivered: massive corporate tax cuts; the end of universal benefits for children; repeated attacks on Old Age Security benefits,  deep cuts for health, education, and social assistance, removal of federal support for affordable housing, gutting of unemployment insurance,  offloading of programs such as training and welfare to the provinces,  introduction and entrenchment of both NAFTA and the GST, closer harmonization to U.S. standards and regulations in areas such as health and the environment; and closer integration on intelligence and military security.”


On the other hand this election brought to us many new rising powers in Canada, people power with the direct influence and movement from many ex-silent groups as Muslims[8] and the main Arab group CAF[9] and the first ever all group debate in one of the riding highest percentage of Muslim and Arab population in Montreal[10]


With the first ever Arab and Muslim activist been elected to the Canadian Parliament Omar Alghabra who was the national president of CAF and been attacked from the right wing and the corporate before[11] and after[12] his great success in Mississauga-Erindal.


At the same time the Palestinian tragedy came back to the front stage with the recommendation from PAJU[13] group to vote for candidate stands for the peace and justice not pro-Israel and special interest groups[14].


The result was to a big extend satisfied in this very close race with the lose of three ministers facing PAJU recommendation with Vivian Barbot (BQ) defeating Pierre Pettigrew the Minster of Foreign Affair for the shift of the Canadian policy to the right and closer to Israel , Thierry St-Cyr (BQ) defeating Liza Frulla the Minister of Heritage for her neglecting to her duty toward the minorities and Marcel Lussier defeating Jacque Saada the minister of the Francophone for his history[15] who tried to deny it hoping to win[16].


People have been encouraged to vote and they did voted a minority government so people maintain the control in their hand and that is the grateful of the Minority Government.



It is not the end, because this story has no end, it is the human been every day story, and the winner is the one who do not relax and never give up,  so let us use our rights and achieve our goal one step at a time.


Voting is not the end of the road, voting is the first step, we should participate actively not just by vote, but by being more involved in the parties and there activities, we should not just stay on the line waiting the call for another election to vote, we should be in the front in the parties, choosing the candidates before going to the polls but being the candidate themselves, it is along road but the 100 mile trip starts with the first step, let it be. 



* Mohamed S. Kamel: is a Freelance writer from Montréal, the editor of I.N. Daily[17]  and the President of the Alternative Perspective Media (APM-RAM[18]), could be reach at 

[1] Board: is the nick name of the untouchable adviser surrounded Mr. Martin and brought him down. 
[2] Please see Ottawa closer to U.S. than Martin claims
[3] Please see CBC Election report
[4]Please see Unite The Right  

[7] Please see; “Why minority government is good for Canada?”

[8] Please see the CMF presentation to the BQ in the feast celebration (Eid Aladha)
[9] Please see the CAF presentation to the BQ in the feast celebration (Eid Aladha)

[10] Please see Arab Voters debate in Ville St. Laurent     

[11] Smear campaign against launched by right wing pro Zionist group
[12] Please see Democratic guise cannot hide the real face of anti-Arab, pro-Israel propaganda factory
[13] PAJU is the Palestinian and Jewish United operating from Montreal.
[14] Please see PAJU statement

[16] Please see “Jacques Saada Can’t Deny his own words, in 1967 he was a volunteer in Israel”.

Sunday, January 8, 2006

تمهل قبل أن تدلى بصوتك فى 23 يناير 2006 (الانتخابات الفيدرالية الكندية) بقلم: محمد شريف كامل

تمهل قبل أن تدلى بصوتك فى 23 يناير 2006
(الانتخابات الفيدرالية الكندية)

بقلم: محمد شريف كامل

8 يناير 2006

إن الصوت الإنتخابى أمانة سوف نسئل عنها جميعا وهى فى ذات الوقت واجب وطنى ودينى، فلقد أجمع العلماء على أن الإدلاء بالصوت الإنتخابى واجب وطنى لأنه هو حق الوطن و حق لأبنائنا علينا أن نشارك فى إختيار الصالحين من المرشحين لإدارة أمور البلاد ،وإنه من غير المنطقى أن نترك ذلك الأمر لغير المؤهلين أو أن نهمل صوتنا ونسير وراء المصالح الشخصية ضيقة الفق أو التصنيف العرقى غير المدروس.

وهو واجب دينى لأنه من غير المنطقى أن نترك لغير المؤهلين إدارة أمورنا و شئوننا  في أيدي غير المؤهلين دون أن نشارك في إختيار من يدير شؤوننا لأنهم هم من سيتخذ القرارات ويصدر القوانين نيابة عنا.

فالصوت الإنتخابى هو ولا شك واجب وطنى ودينى، ولكن لمن نعطى هذا الصوت ولأى حزب أو  أى مرشح سوف ندلى بصوتنا؟

هذا السؤال محير بلا شك لو لم نتابع خطوات كل المرشحين وكل الأحزاب، لذا فنحن نحاول هنا أن نستعرض تلك الملامح و بإختصار، نرجوا أن يكون غير مخل.

أولا يحب أن ندرس مواقف الأحزاب وهناك أربعة أحزاب رئيسية على الساحة وهم حزب الأحرار (ليبيرال) وهو الحزب الحاكم منذ قرابة 14 عام كان حزبا وسطيا ينحاز لمصالح الشعب وهى الخاصية التى إفتقدها تماما فى العامين الماضيين، بسيطرة الجبهة اليمينية عليه والممثلة فى أصحاب المصالح الخاصة، فخيب الحزب الحاكم أمال المواطنين فى إصراره على تطبيق العنصرية من خلال ما يسمى بشهادات الأمن التي تتيح الإعتقال بدون أدله معلنه ، وقائمة حظر الطيران وغير الحزب منهاجة فى المعاملات الدولية حيث رفض مطالبة إسرائيل بتنقيذ قرارات المحكة الدولية بينما تقدم بطلب لإدانة إيران لإنتهاكها حقوق الإنسان رافضا لإعتبار أن إسرائيل تمارس إنتهاك حقوق الإنسان، ورفضها قرارمن منظمة حقوق الإنسان يدين العنصرية ضد المسلمين بالإضافة إلى أنه لم يعد يمثل مصالح الشعب برفضه النص قانونيا على ضرورة الحفاظ على النظام العلاجى الموحد للجميع وقبوله بالضغط الأمريكى لتحويل دور القوات الكنديه فى أفغانستان إلى قوات عدوان وليست قوات حفظ سلام. مع تضمنها العديد من أعضاء البرلمان والوزراء  الذين يؤيدون الموقف الأمريكى  تأيدا كاملا.

وينافسه على الحكم حزب المحافظين (كونسيرفيتيف)  وهو الذى أصبح غير محافظا بل هو يمينيا متطرفا لا يدعو لغير مصالح الفئات الإستغلالية وهو الحزب الذى يؤيد تأيدا مطلقا الولايات المتحدة فى منهجها العدوانى على العالم الثالث والعالم الإسلامى، وهو الحزب الذى يدعو إلى الإعتراف بالقدس المغتصبة كعاصمة أبدية لإسرائيل متخفين بواجهة دينية لمداعبة السذج من الشعب الكندى كما فعل جورج بوش فى الولايات المتحدة فى حملتة الإنتخابيه الأولى وهم وبوش لايملكون تطبيق  ما يدعون من مبادئ دينية فى رفض زواج المثلين والإجهاض وذلك لأن المحكمة الدستوريه فى  كل من الولايات المتحدة وكندا وللأسف لم ولن تسمح لهم بذلك، وهذا الحزب ولله الحمد ليس له وجود حقيقى فى كوبيك  وإن كان يصارع بشدة فى المقاطعات الأخرى للوصول للحكم .

ثم يأتى بعد ذلك الحزب الديمقراطى الجديد (إن دي بي)  وهو الحزب ذو العدد الأقل من المقاعد ولكنه كان الحزب الأكثر تأثيرا فى المرحلة السابقة وهو ما يؤكد أن حكومة الأقليات مثل الحكومة السابقة للليبرال نحتاج معها لمعارضة قوية لتستطيع تصحيح مسارالحكومة لصالح الشعب كما فعل (إن دي بي) من إرغام الحكومة على تعديل الموازنة لتتضمن مصالح الشعب من إنفاق على الصحة والتعليم والإسكان المحدود، وهو يعتبر الحزب الأكثر قربا من الجاليات الإسلامية والعربية بمواقفه من الحرب على العراق وفلسطين ورفضه للقوانين العنصرية وهو الحزب الذى تصدى للحكومة فى ملف ماهر عرارووقف بجانبه.

ونجد من ذلك التصور أن هناك ثلاثة أحزاب رئيسية تتصارع على عضوية البرلمان، ولكن الوضع فى كوبيك يختلف قليلا وتأثيره كبيراعلى المجلس حيث يوجد على الخارطة السياسية حزب البلوك أو الكتله الكبيبكيه وهو الحزب الذى يتوافق وحزب (إن دي بي)  فى معظم مبادئه السياسية العامة بل ويتفوق عليه فى الكثير من المبادئ في مجال السياسة الخارجية.

إن وجود الكتله الكبيبكيه على الخارطة السياسية جعل من صراع الإنتخابات فى كوبيك صراعا ثنائيا فقط بين حزب الأحرار وحزب الكتلة الكيبيكية ولحسن الحظ يخرج من المعادلة حزب المحافظين وللأسف لا يترك لحزب (إن دي بي) أي مجال على المستوى المحلى .

 ويأخذ البعض على حزب الكتله الكبيبكيه موقفه من قضية وحدة كندا وهو أمر جد خطير ولكنه من المعلوم أن تلك الإنتخابات هى إنتخابات لمقاعد المجلس الإتحادى و بذلك لا مجال للحديث فى هذا الأمر لأن فوزه لا يعطى له الحق فى دفع برنامجه الإنفصالي ولكن يعطيه الحق فى موازنة المعادلة السياسية والدفاع عن حقوق كوبيك بالحكومة الإتحادية وكذلك الدفاع عن المطالب الشعبية لكل سكان كندا.

لقد أساء حزب الليبيرال إساءة بالغة لجميع الكنديين وخاصة الأقليات إعتبار أن صوتهم مضمون مدى الحياة مما جعله يتعامل معنا بتعالي غير مناسب، لذا وجب الأن يلقن درسا عله يرجع لرشده ويعرف أن الناخب هو الذى ينصبه وعندما ينصبه فهو ينصب حاكما لمصلحة الشعب وليس لمصلحة المنتفعين، إن حزب الليبيرال وصل إلى حد الفساد السياسى الذى يذكرنا جميعا بحكومات العالم الثالث، مما جعل أن اللطمه هى الحل الوحيد لتطهيره وإعادة بنائه كحزب وسطى حقيقى و حتى يحدث هذا فلا مانع من وجود حكومة أقلية أخره، وهو ما يتوقعه جميع المحللين.

إنه من المتوقع أن تعود حكومة أقلية للحكم قد تكون من الأحرارأومن المحافظين، ونحن نرى أنه لا فارق مادامت أقلية ولذا كان من واجبنا المشاركة لندفع بأكبر عدد من النواب من حزب الكتلة اليبيكية أو من حزب (إن دي بي) فى باقى مقاطعات كندا. لعلنا نحصل على حقوقنا عبر صوتنا الإنتخابى فلا تتنازلوا عن حقوقكم فى إختيار ممثليكم ولا تتركوا مستقبل أبنائكم فى أيدى منتفعى السياسة ومعسولي الكلام محترفي التلاعب بالألفاظ.

للإتطلاع على مواقف الأحزاب وكل ما يخص العمليه الإنتخابية رجاء زياره موقع

إذا لم تصلك البطاقة الإنتخابية أو غيرت عنوانك مؤخرا رجاء الإتصال
Election Canada 1 800 463-6868

محمد شريف كامل