Friday, January 27, 2017

When two plus two equal five! By: Mohamed S Kamel

When two plus two equal five!

By: Mohamed S Kamel*
January 27, 2017

You can’t listen to Kellyanne Conway, Trump’s advisor, quote of the week “alternative facts”, and resist browsing back to 1949 when George Orwell wrote his famous novel “1984”.

When writing this novel, Orwell didn’t choose the US to be the stage of the hypothetical theory of a 20 century’s totalitarian, but when you listen to Conway defending Trump’s misinformation you discover that “1984” should be named “US 2017”.

People have the right to choose their leader, and usually non-deceived people choose a leader who leads for a brighter future.  You never see people choose an authoritarian to govern them.  Tyrants usually gain power through a military coup, the best recent example is Egypt’s tyrant ‘Sisi’ who took over power by force then deceived Egyptians naming himself a president through fake elections.
In Egypt and in all third world countries it is normal that a General receives a phone call from a powerful embassy, suggesting or instructing him to remove a newly elected president.  A president that was chosen in Egypt’s the first democratic election, after a wonderful peaceful symbolic revolution went through Tahrir square to end a 30 years’ struggle with a tyrant.
But we never expected to see a totalitarian take over power in Washington, in the 21st century through an election.  We thought that George Bush, the son, is the worst in recent democracy.  It is not the case; we didn’t see the worse yet.

But is comparing Sisi to Trump fair? Egyptians see it like that as they were reading Orwell's novel while Sisi was taking over their life, it has even become illegal to read “1984” under Sisi’s regime. Trump’s starting point is not the same as that of Sisi’s, but for sure the outcome will be the same if not worse.
When the “Ministry of Truth”, once known as the minister of propaganda “Kellyanne Conway”, came up with the “alternative facts” quote, she was not inventing it.  She knows very well that she is bringing us to the Winston Smith era.  Sending a message to the US people and the entire world population, that the white house is being occupied by“Big Brother” not by a president.
With the start of Conway-Trump era, Orwell's novel surged in sales.  With the inauguration of the reality TV star as the 45th president of the US, this novel became a best seller book. I wished people read it earlier, but still Conway and Trump need to be told that “1984” was written to warn people not guide totalitarians.
Winston Smith, the main character of Orwell's novel once said: “If all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed – if all records told the same tale – then the lie passed into history and became truth.”

Yes “alternative facts” are nothing but lies because two plus two will remain four and will never be five except in the sick mind of Trump’s troop. We were looking for a president to give US a human face, we end with one that is removing the human mask that covered US’ face for long time.

Are the American people drinking the same poison they forced the entire world to swill for decades? That is what we will see during this era.

* Mohamed S. Kamel: is a Freelance writer, the editor of, he is a professional engineer, a LEED Green Associate and a recognized project manager professional (PMP), he is Member of several civil society organizations, a co-founder, Secretary General of The Egyptian Revolutionary Council (ERC), a co-founder of the Egyptian Canadian Coalition for Democracy (ECCD-CECD), Egyptian Worldwide for Democracy and Justice (EW4DJ), Canadian Egyptian for Democracy (CEFD), National Association for Change in Egypt (Taghyeer – Canada), Alternative Perspective Media (APM-RAM), , Quebec Antiwar movement “Échec à la Guerre”, Coalition for Justice and Peace in Palestine “CJPP”, ex-president and co-founder of the Canadian Muslim Forum (CMF-FCM), member of the board of trustee in the Canadian Muslim for Palestine (CMP) and Community Center for Montreal Muslims (CCMM). He could be reached at Tel: 1-514-863-9202, and by email: and followed at @mskamel