Monday, August 27, 2001

An Open Message to the Arab and Muslim Government By: Mohamed S. Kamel

An Open Message to the Arab and Muslim Government

By: Mohamed S. Kamel

Aug 27, 2001

We are very tired and all our people are very tired from what is going-on on our land from the daily destroying of the bodies, the souls and the all future of the Palestinian people in front of the you and under your supervision, you the governments of the Arab and Muslim people whom contacted by the blood with the Palestinian people, and no one of you did take the suitable action, you are only taking the stands and the actions that been dictated to you by the real leaders in the CIA.

Do you do not feel this feeling as all of us the people the sham when you receive the head of the CIA and you give up to him and to whom he represent day after day, that what make you now speak about the stop of the violence as if our people who create this violence. The only reason to that is to comply with the CIA condition as price for you to stay governing your countries.

We reach a point that we are not able to demand any of the foreigner government to take stand against the aggression that committed daily by the Zionism against our people, specially they see that our government that supposedly contacted by the blood with the Palestinian people, those government did not take any action but asking the mercy from the killer and his supporter –USA-, the silence in front of the aggression that take place in the last phase for almost 9 months now, this silence consider a licence of killing and it is the silence of the  evil who do not move by the rights of the people.

In the judgement day, Allah will ask us and you for this silence and for every drop of blood that went in vane, we try to ask you to take a real stand, an action to help ourselves and yourselves to be ready to meet Allah in the that day.

The day when USA gave you the green light to, you open your storage and encourage your people to fight in Afghanistan, you were not afraid from the Soviet Union, and when USA insist on liberating Kuwait by force you did send your force to fight under USA command and flag, that command that enter the area and will never leave, and today USA insist on not lifting the embargo that apply to Iraq for more then 11 years, and you in front of all this, you accept what so called the passion and the self control in front the aggression of the Zionism.

And that is why we are asking, are you really governors of Arabs and Muslims? Or you are governors just for your own interest?
We know that this message will not change anything on your position, because you did chose to keep your positions under the protection of the CIA instead of comply to the people demands, and because we know that each victory for our people will means an increase of the possibility of ending your roll, that is why you are usually stayed in the side of the calming of the conflict and the semi peaceful solutions, even if the price is the blood and the future of our people. You are also pressuring our people that have no resources and you leave them with out any aid.

We are threatening any of you, but we refuse your stand and we try to remind you that the history will remember your stand not who long you stayed in the power, we try by this message to tell you that we are in the people side and we are completely against you and your positions. We are in the side of our people against the Zionism and the Imperialism of the USA.

We hope that we did worn you and ring the bell, may be some of you will chose the way of the justice the way of the rights of the people, may we can use our resources to stand against this aggression

We are completely have faith in Allah and the power of the people that will end one day this aggression from the occupier and injustice form them and you, may Allah we worn may Allah witness.

Sunday, August 19, 2001

Justice and peace: Open Message to the Canadian Government By: Mohamed Sherif Kamel

Justice and peace: Open Message to the Canadian Government

By: Mohamed Sherif Kamel
Aug 19, 2001

Mr. Jean Christian, PM of Canada
Mr. John Manley, Minister of Foreign Affaire
Respected President of the Canadian Political parties,
Respected members of Canadian Parliament
Respected members of House of Commence

Dear Madam/ sir;

Justice and peace are the main goal of the Canadian people and the Canadian politic all over the history, on everywhere on the earth, and that is why Canada is considered the first in fighting the injustice everywhere. Canada was the first to participate in the first and second world war for the sake of justice and freedom, and its people was the first to oppose the any justification of the Vietnam war by its neighbor USA, its partner in NATO, and Canada did and remain opposing to the American embargo against Cuba that list so far forty years unjustifiable, and Canada was the first to open the way to recognize China all over the world ending the injustice of boycotting one third of the world population.

Canada was among the first to oppose the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, and Canada did stand with all world against the Iraqi action in Kuwait, Canada did refuse the injustice of the ethnic cleansing against the people in Bosnia and Kossofo.

Canada was the first among the world to support the Palestinian people in their catastrophe when they forced to flee their land in 1948, and Canada was the biggest in supporting the Palestinian right of return and was the first to oppose the Israeli's occupation of the land.

That is was before, know Canada seems to be fall under the influence of the Zionism propaganda and Zionism lobby, Canada became as its media depend for its positions and take all the information from the Zionism régime.

Why I am jumping to this conclusion? Actually I am not jumping, this conclusion came form the Canadian switch in position after the first condemnation of the Israeli position in September 2000 after the provocative visit by Sharon to the main Islamic site in Jerusalem, and after the attack by the Zionism lobby in Canada, Canada started to abstain from all the condemnation for Israel what ever it is, and remain silent of anything in spite that all the aggression form a strong army against the victim whom the Israeli are occupying their land, people not equipped by anything but with stones and some personal weapons.

Hundreds of the Palestinian people been killed and thousand been wounded by modern weapons, planes even F16, tanks and missiles against unearned people, in spite all of this the Canadian government did not move one inch to even morally support the parent and the families of those victims, children and seniors among them, Canada even some time joined the Zionism propaganda in criticize and blaming the victim contrary to all the world position, but when the Palestinian people found themselves in apposition where they are losing everything everyday and their people killed in their land, while the occupier enjoy it and leave on it freely unpunished, some of them tern to the a frustration weapon, the suicide pumping, at this time only we heard you, the PM of Canada sending your sorrow and condolences to the victim's families, did you or any of our government and parliament ask himself /herself once; Why those people reach this point? Do they enjoy killing themselves? Or we are the responsible of all this!

Where is the justice here? Who did start the aggression by occupying the land and killing the people? Who are the victims that we suppose to support them?

I am writing to you, and I am not waiting for some empty wards! But as a proud Canadian I am ashamed of myself and of my government, this government that is not standing for justice and freedom as it was before, this government that dose not stand anymore for our principals and instead replace it with the Zionism position and propaganda, our government is supporting the occupier, who destroyed people life since more then 54 years, when Canada was among the first to help the Palestinian refugees, as if it is ready to help refugees but not ready to support the victim's rights. So we blame the victim and deny him any rights, In spite of what been called by the entire world and the UN in all its resolutions, those resolution that not been implemented and no body able even to call for the implementation of those resolutions.

In spite the refusal of USA, Canada was among the first to support the embargo on South Africa's racist régime, if it works with South Africa, which is less terrible then what is going on for more then 54 years, why not with Israel to force it to accept the world decisions, UN resolutions.

All what is going on in Palestinian's land, is act of racism according to any dictionary, and all the world agrees on this but under the Zionism pressure and the supper power USA, we deny those people –the Palestinian- the right of self-defense, even some call the Israeli action a self-defense!!!

We have to be aware of what the Zionism tray to pressure us into; by using what so called anti-Semite for any attack against Zionism or Israel as we attack the all Jews;

There is big different between the Zionism and Judaism, because the first is a movement built on a recital selection and the second is a real religion has all the respect from all the people.

Zionism 1st roll is to have a home land for the Jews, it is a racism first of all because it called for the creation of non exist state on people's land.
When they took control over Palestine they did not try only to build their state but to expel the Palestinian from their land, accept all Jews from all over the world, and they denying the Palestinian the right of return.
What is the different between the ex-racist system in South Africa and the Zionism state in Palestine? The ex-racist system in South Africa was less dangerous and racist than this one, because the Zionist did and still try to expel the Arab while the first one did leave those people within their land.

What is the meaning of racism? Why we all did stand for the right of the Jews to be compensated form the Nazis aggression and using of their assets, while we do not support or even some deny the Palestinian the same right!

Is not Israel is the only entity that have the superiority over the UN resolution? While they occupy the land, settle in it, arm the settlers and give them the green light to kill and scare the Palestinian so they leave the land, and whoever commit any sin consider crazy person and go unpunished, examples are many, since "Khan-Yones", Hebron, Lebanon invasion, "Sabra and Shetila", burning of Alaqsa Mosque, even Qana Camp under the UN supervision, religious and political leaders call for the death for all Arab and they are member of the government, while Hider in Austria, all the western countries boycott the Austrian government and force this Hider to resign, where is this from Israel?

Occupation of Palestine became now Mitchel report, as if the issue just started few months ago not many years ago, they call for going back to the negotiation table, while they have the force, occupy the land, deny the owner any rights and refuse to implement any UN resolution, even they refuse to accept international monitoring and the group of 8 resolutions, Who we can ask the Palestinian Authority to control its people and all the world cannot control the Israeli?

You consider that there is no justification for the attack against the civilian, of course it is correct! While those civilians who occupied and settle on the land and we accept that they attack Palestinian civilian! The different is the closes and the power; the Israeli armed and well dressed official army and have the highest power in the area, while the Palestinian do not serve officially in army and they defend their rights by simple weapons and stones.

When gangs come to rap your house and you defend your self, is that not a self-defense? That is the situation of the Palestinian people since 1947.

If that gang came to your place with their families, could any body deny you the right of self-defense, because they have civilian with them? That is the real situation of the Palestinian people since 1947.

Killing the people, destroying their homes, denying them all services, all this and more are real crime, those people are under occupation, they even do not respect any agreement and specially Geneva Convention, and the right of the people under occupation, even they been denied the basic human rights.

Many of Jews started to recognize the false of the Zionism propaganda, and they started to attack it for the immoral moves and actions.

It is the appropriate time to stop the control of this lobby and prove that Canada still stand for its principals, we have to be the leader of the world as we were usually in standing for the justice and the peace, with us or without us justice will be served, but the different will be the history record, what our children will say about us, did we stand for the principals or did we create the new Nazism and the new Hitler, history will mention all those actions and will condemned them and who stand beside them.

Power never remain in one side, power usually switches, and all the world now leave a new life, where justice usually been served, and whoever committed any crime against the humanity will be punished even if USA stand behind him.

May be they can fall some people some time but they cannot fall all people all the time.

For sure justice will be served, but do we will be standing for justice or against it? That is the question!


Sunday, August 5, 2001

Arab: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow By: Mohamed Sherif Kamel

Arab:  Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

By: Mohamed Sherif Kamel
Aug 5, 2001

Most of us will agree, some will not, but it is acceptable and that is what history and political analysis is all about.

Arabs are a community that have lot of common between them and myself never felt something but Arab, I am a Muslim as the majority of us, were some are not, but that never and will not change the formula, that formula understanding it or not will not change the reality, the reality is: we had the same history, we join the same miserable present, and we will have the same future.

Arab area and Arab population were all over the history had the same rhythm of movement, and all others did lock at them as one entity, history shows the same story in all action and reactions from the forces of enemies, since the Romans’ invasion of the south and the east the Mediterranean area, through the war between the Romans and Parisians, and the great reception of the Arab forces when they entered the Roman’s Empire specially Egypt, then the mass attack from what so called the Crusaders up to the destroying of the Outman Empire, the creation of the Zionism entity in Palestine and the war between the socialism (former soviet union or USSR) and the imperialism (USA and its western allays).  All these were mainly directed to control the area for its location, resources and the imperialism that Arab could form the force of the future.

The methods were different but have the same objective with different means to divide the area and control it, unfortunately those enemies were and still able to find assistant from within the locals, from individuals, different interest groups and even from governments within the area.

Searching through the history will show us the reality, and supported events, we did spend all over our life searching for a way out of this dilemma and we did have many occasions but we lost most of them and we are losing for many reason.

That is what all about the Arab revolutionary movements, while some of these movements were very clear in their vision and actions, others did not present their face as an Arab face and been dragged in their local face and interest.

Our biggest revolution in our generation was the Arabic Egyptian revolution that led by Nasser in July 23rd, 1952 this revolution was a complete change in the area, history did use it as a mild stone and start for a new era, were some of us still refuse to admit this reality, it as a reality, were some others do not loss an opportunity to criticize our greatest revolution for whatever reason, all these differences are acceptable as points of view, but all this will never be bale to change the reality, but these are the big prove that our revolution was the greatest of our generation, not mentioning the Iranian revolution 1979.

In the 49th universal of our revolution we have to analyze this revolutionary movement, we have to analyze it from the point of view that it is our revolution, the revolution of all of us all the third world population.

Let us see what did this revolution achieved, and what is the reaction of the imperialism to the revolution, when the revolutionary movement acted on July 23rd, 1952, that was few years after the insertion of the Zionist entity on our own land, and few months after Mesaddaqu’s revolution in Iran, those two actions were big alarm to us and to the our enemies (the imperialism).

It was very clear to the revolutionary that they are in a movement to counter the enemies’ effort, that is why their first step was the removal of the Egyptian monarchy and secondly was the establishment of the 1st step of the social justice (1st regulation of the land ownership).

The revolution did not wait to long for the removal of the real occupation force that left in June 1954, where it stayed in Egypt misleading the Egyptian with what so called the agreement of independent from Great Britain in 1922, while it was only a symbolic independent that gave the Britain Government all the advantage of controlling Egypt without having the image of those days occupation and the hate of the Egyptian, and who try to mislead himself, have to remember how the English army acted and forced the king of Egypt to replace the Egyptian government twice, if it is not occupation why the army staid in Egypt and that’s way the Egyptian papule’s army fought against the occupation forces in all over Egypt, specially in the Swiss Canal area, an other prove the big fire in main commercial center in Cairo January 1952 that have been orchestrated by both of them the King of Egypt and Britain “the occupation forces”  .

While this was the 1st few steps in the internal affair, these were not only for the internal affair but it was a necessity and important for the other directions, the three circles was the first answer to the question that never been answered about the identity and the definition of this identity? This answer did not neglect the reality of the Egyptian identity but this answer did underline the importance of these links that could never been neglected, those three circles are (Arabic, Islamic, African) and that is what Egypt is all about, and this was the first explanation of the history movement and it was a real determination for the development that occurred in the following years, this was the correct answer to the question of the nationalism, religion and the geographic identities.

The importance of the control was never absent from the reaction of the enemies specially because of the support that the revolutionary in Algeria received from the Egyptian revolution, which was a clear message to the enemies, that this revolution should be destroyed, so they try many provocations, and the 1st occasion and refused the development and the building of the Egyptian high dame which lead to the nationalizing of the Suisse Canal and the building of the greatest project of that time with the best available technology and the lowest cost possible in a clear independence from the International Monetary Fund.

Nationalizing of the Suisse Canal beside starting the building of the Egyptian army, with signing the 1st army deal with an eastern country – the deal with Schicoslovakia 1954-, opposing of Baghdad Allies then called “Central Allies”, the departure of the occupation force from Egypt, in addition to the supporting of the Algerian revolution for independence, all these were real reasons that the imperialism to try destroying the Egyptian revolution only after 4 years while it was not yet ready for any real fight, this was the greatest achievement of the revolution, which was the political victory in 1956 and the capability of the Arab world and the fighting from house to house by the ordinary people, that what forced the two main power, USA and USSR to worn the three party aggression forces to withdraw their forces, both of them did that to get arid of the two big boys, Britain and France and to build bridges with the new born régime, this was the end of an era and start of another era.

This was the end of the Great Britain and France internationally as big forces, and the end of the beneficiary of the old régime in Egypt, whom forgot their country and their people and supported the three countries aggression, by setting in Europe a radio broadcast attacking the Egyptian government and calling Egyptian to welcome the liberation force “Britain, France and Israel”, that is coming to Egypt to remove their government.

That is was the end of an era and start of a new era, where Nasser become the leader, not only of the Arab, but for all the third world countries because he did stand up in front of the imperialism and win with the support of the people.

If this is what the revolution is all about? It could be enough to distinguish between cop and the revolution, where a cop is a movement to replace a government non democratically, and the revolution is an action to change the direction to which the population are looking for, those whom usually looking for an excuse to destroy the image of the Egyptian revolution are using some terminologies to consider it a cop and even they tried to use the number figure criticizing it for just few people consider themselves a revolution, they forgot the nature of any movement and do not recognize the importance of the leadership, and they do not recognize the well of the people in the movement and the wide support the people gave to this revolution.

It was just the start of the revolution, the new era did act for ten years with the highest development rate, the achievement of the independence of most of the Arab and African nations and with a great siege around Israel and USA, and that is why those enemies did create the crises of 1967 and did win the first round but lost the all war with the refusal of the Arab people to surrender and the support of the continuity of the straggle, as a prove of this and an example for the unity of the population and the Arabs, The Arab leader submit in Kartoum, that submit in which the people as well as their leaders refused USA offer to surrender and get back some lands, the leaders refuse it because the people did refuse it and even they carry Nasser car in the streets of Kartoum, this submit been organized manly by  King Faisal who was one of the biggest enemies of the Egyptian government at that time- King Faisal been killed by an CIA agent latter on-

The revolution period was not all white, there were many unacceptable frictions and actions from many of the peoples who thought that the revolution is an occasion to control the people resources for their own benefits and they did, but the people never mixed between the revolution and those bad boys, the same as today while the enemies of the revolution try hard to mislead the people and to give us the impression that what is governing Egypt after Nasser and until now is an extend to the revolution. What is in Egypt since the departure of Nasser in not a revolution government, the revolution did move from the power as the government to the street after the departure of Nasser whose death was a result of hard work and that was the reason that all the third world countries’ population did walk behind him to his grave and the enemies of the people was happy with his departure, while the death of predecessor was opposite, the enemies of the people walk behind him and the people was satisfied for his death.

Camp David Participate and organizer could not be part or an extension to a revolutionary movement, because the revolution did understand from the beginning to what side it will stand, to the people side or to the enemies side, and because the revolution and the people did chose the independence side, that is why there were wars and the imperialism never accept to give the revolution a chance to achieve the development and the unity, and that is why their representative came to power and control it after Nasser absence, when all the rates came out and start to act as leaders and that is what led us to what we have now when almost half of the Arab government could not even attend the boycott submit and could not even think of boycotting the Zionist produce, while they can kill us as they wish and we have the right to watch as per the 1st Camp David.

This could not be a revolutionary extend because the revolution did lost 1967 war in the field of the battles, but was able to convert it into strength and people struggle against the imperialism and the Zionism, even if what some people said the Nasser did open some channels long time ago with the Zionism, if that happened, that never meant to be surrender, or the 1967 war would be an occasion for surrender, opposite to this, it was the change from loser armies to a solidarity movement, what have been could convert the loss battle into a political victory, while unfortunately the people victory on the battle field in 1973 was converted by the Egyptian régime into a lost battle in the political arena, in Camp David, the real disaster that all the Arab people are paying the price so far and for long time to come, through the attack on Iraqi atomic project passing by Arab countries’ field with their approval or at least their silence, the Lebanese civil war and the Zionist’s invasion of Lebanon, the 1st and 2nd Gulf wars, all these and the silence on the 1st and 2nd  Palestinian Intefada, is that not was the result of Camp David and the shameful surrender?

All this was not new, in the late 1950th Lebanon was on an edge of a civil war which been resolved in between the Arab people, same as what happened between Iraq and Kwiut and been solved too, in Yemen our revolution stand behind the Yemeni revolution and they win, that was yesterday when the revolution did stand beside the rights opposite to today were we can not even refuse any of the action taken by Zionism and Imperialism, only the government can refuse their own people will.

The switch on the position of the revolutionary from the government to the street did add a lot of strength to the people and the revolution, even if we see many things in the field as non-sense and we consider it as an indication of complete collapse of the Arab civilization and future, it is not the reality, really it is a fresh start of the people new revolution which will change the all face of the area, and will be the real step into the complete new system, and the real victory of the people.

Many are asking what is the plan in front of the Zionism and the Imperialism, all this will come with the stand in the people side and the resistance of the controlling powers, when the revolution come from inside, we will achieve what ever been missed, 1952 revolution did open the way and we will continue to achieve the final victory with the effort of the people and the support of God, our struggle with Zionism is a civilization struggle that will get to an end only when the justice been served, this justice could not be served in short period and with no effort, it needs a lot of efforts time and blood.