Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Pour qui voter le 19 Octobre ?

Plusieurs organisations musulmanes et arabes écrivent aux chefs de parti 

Plusieurs organisations musulmanes et arabes locales et nationales canadiennes ** ont envoyé une lettre à tous les chefs des partis fédéraux exprimant leurs aspirations et leurs préoccupations. Voici * le lien qui comporte les lettres qui ont été envoyées à chaque chef de parti: les conservateurs, les néo-démocrates, les libéraux, les verts et le Bloc québécois et les réponses que nous avons reçues.

En se basant sur leurs réponses *, sur le bilan de chaque parti au cours des dernières années, sur les déclarations faites par les chefs de partis et de candidats d’influence et de premier plan au cours de cette campagne électorale, et en tenant compte de la probabilité réaliste que chaque parti arrive au pouvoir, nous concluons ce qui suit :

=> Les Arabes et les musulmans canadiens ont une grande responsabilité à VOTER à cette élection. Plusieurs intérêts sont en cause, non seulement pour les minorités, mais pour l'ensemble du Canada.
=> Le NPD semble être le parti qui servira le mieux le Canada et la population canadienne et d'inverser les effets négatifs que les conservateurs de Stephen Harper ont causé au cours des neuf années au pouvoir. Le NPD a répondu positivement à tous les points que nous avons soulevés et il a préconisé les mêmes positions tout au long de leur dernier mandat comme opposition officielle.

=> Le Parti Vert plaide pour de nombreuses causes importantes et respecte des normes morales élevées. Il est un ardent défenseur des droits de la personne et des droits des minorités et son influence sur la scène politique sont importants, même s’il ne vise pas à former le gouvernement ou faire partie d'une coalition au pouvoir.

=> Le Bloc Québécois est un parti marginal régional qui a épousé certaines positions xénophobes et antimusulmanes dans le passé. Leur chance de former le gouvernement ou faire partie d'une coalition au pouvoir est pratiquement inexistante.

=> À ce jour, le Parti Libéral n'a pas répondu à notre lettre. Il a pris des positions positives soutenant les libertés religieuses et à la défense des citoyens canadiens à l'étranger, bien qu’il ait appuyé le projet de loi C-51. Ses positions sont proches des conservateurs dans de nombreux dossiers, notamment en matière de politiques étrangères.
=> Le Parti Conservateur n'a pas répondu à notre lettre et n’a pas accusé réception de celle-ci. Au cours des années qu'il a été au pouvoir, ses politiques ont eu des effets dévastateurs sur les droits et libertés et la tolérance au Canada. Ses politiques étrangères ont affecté négativement la position du Canada comme un pays respectant la paix et les droits humains.

Centre Culturel Musulman de MontréalCoalition Égyptienne Canadienne pour la Démocratie (ECCD)Fédération Canado-Arabe (CAF-FCA)Femmes dans DawahForum musulman canadien (FMC-CMF)
Groupe de l'engagement politique musulmane (MPEG)Société islamique d'Amérique du Nord - Canada (ISNA)
* Lettre envoyée et réponses reçues :
Les libéraux et les conservateurs n'ont pas répondu à notre lettre. Les lettres aux cinq chefs de parti et les réponses du NPD, du Parti Vert et du Bloc québécois sont présentées sur le site suivant : www.eccd.ca/fr/elections2015

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Canada: Who to vote for on October 19th?

No political party is perfect, but there is some better than others, this analysis shows that it is time for real change, time to vote NDP, this vote will:

- End forever the 2 party system that is controlling Canada's politics for decades
- Remove Conservative party from office;

Mohamed S. Kamel
Cell: +1-514-863-9202


Who to vote for on October 19th?


A message from Muslim organizations and Arab organizations
In light of the upcoming elections, a group of Canadian National and local Muslim and Arab organizations in addition to prominent individuals from both communities sent a letter to all federal party leaders expressing their  aspirations and concerns.   Below* is what was sent to each party leader: the Conservatives, NDP, Liberals, Green and Bloc Quebecois and a link** to the responses received.

Based on the responses (if received**), on the track record of each party over the past few years, on the statements made by party leaders and prominent candidates during this election campaign, and taking into account the realistic probability of the parties coming into power, we conclude the following:

Canadian Arabs and Muslims have a great responsibility to go out and VOTE in this election.  So much is at stake not only for minorities but for the whole of Canada.

=> The NDP appears to be the party that will best serve Canada and the Canadian people and reverse the negative effects the Harper Conservatives have had over their nine years in power. They responded positively to all the points we raised and have been advocating on the same positions throughout their time as official opposition.

=> The Green Party
 has advocated many important causes and abides by high moral standards. It is a strong defender of human rights and minority rights and itinfluence on the political arena is important although it is not aiming to form the government or be a part of a ruling coalition.

=> The Bloc is a regional marginal party that has espoused xenophobic and anti Muslim positions in the past. Their chance to form 
the government or be a part of a ruling coalition is practically non existent.
=> The Liberal Party did not respond to our letter, to date.  They have taken positive positions supporting religious freedoms and Canadian citizens abroad yet they supported Bill C-51. Their positions are close to the Conservatives in many cases especially in foreign policies.

=> The Conservative Party has not responded to our letter nor even acknowledged it.  Their policies over the years they spent in power had devastating effects on freedoms, liberties and tolerance in Canada.  Their foreign policies negatively affected Canada's position as a respected peace and human rights defending country.

Canadian Arab Federation (CAF), Mohamed Boudjenane - member of the Steering Committee
Canadian Muslim Forum (FMC-CMF), Samer Majzoub - President
Centre Communautaire Musulman de Montreal, Houssam Badran - Vice Président
Egyptian Canadian Coalition for Democracy, Ehab Lotayef - Chair
Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) Canada, Khadija Saidi - Board member & Western Canada rep.
Muslim Political Engagement Group (MPEG), Ahmad Amr 
Women in Dauaa, Fatma Taha - Treasurer
* Demands sent to party leaders:
In the letter we asked for assurance that, if they will be in power or share power after the Oct. 19 elections, 
- will, as soon as possible, repeal Bill C-51 and any similar bills and laws resulting from them.
- will, as soon as possible, repeal articles in Bill C-24 that imply or result in different levels of citizenship and/or represent any form of discrimination between Canadians and any similar bills and laws resulting from them.
- will change the archaic Canadian electoral system to a proportional representation system and repeal the "Fair Elections" act.
- will seriously and equally address all forms of racism (including Islamophobia and Antisemitism) and treat them and all hate speech and crimes motivated by prejudice as hate crimes.
- will make it a criminal offense to accuse any person or group of terrorism without adequate evidence acceptable by a Canadian court or law, in an open and fair trial.
- will base Canada's trade & economic support to other countries on the said country's respect of democracy, universal principles of  Human Rights, Justice and the rule of law.
- will respect, support and defend governments that come to power through a democratic process and that apply the rule of  law, have an independent judicial process and respect Human Rights; and will not tolerate regimes that seize power through undemocratic means.
-will actively advocate for international law to be applied everywhere around the world.
- will legalize pursuing foreign nationals, including officials and politicians, suspected of committing crimes against humanity in their own countries or against another people, in Canadian courts.
- will employ all available means, including political and economic means, to free Canadian Citizens or immigrants to Canada who are wrongly accused or indicted in other countries based on politically motivated charges.
** Party responses:
 The Liberals and the Conservatives did not respond to our letter.  The responses of the NDP, Green and Bloc are posted here:www.eccd.ca/elections2015

*** Other Election Resources:
=> Positions re. proportional representation:
=> Analysis of all ridings in Canada based on past votes and current trends
=> NCCAR webinar on Canada's party platform on Mideast policy:http://nccar.ca/our-work/programs/media/watch-our-webinar-on-canadas-party-platform-on-mideast-policy/
=> Voter Education Campaign website: