Friday, November 29, 2013

Is it logical to support the coup ...! By: Mohamed S. Kamel

Is it logical to support the coup ...!

By: Mohamed S. Kamel*

The world was shocked severely by the evolution of the situation in Egypt.  No one imagined that the police and Egyptian army reached this level of deterioration.  Although precedents of the Egyptian police may qualify for bullying and murder, but the heinous crimes that we have witnessed in the streets of Egypt over the past months at the hands of the Egyptian police and army have exceeded all the crimes committed by that bullying during the Mubarak era. A deliberate transfer of the Egyptian people from peaceful people to people who don’t care about death nor disgusted from the smell of human blood.
However, the tragedy was huge to an intolerable extend as we witnessed it deteriorating to a level were Sky News Middle East Correspondent Sam Kiley, reporting from inside the Rabaa al Adawiya camp in the capital, said it was "under very heavy gunfire"
If we reviewed last year’s events, we will discover to what extent the liberals deliberately worked hard to derail the democratic process, insisting not to give it any chance of success, and today they are requesting that Egyptians give an opportunity to the coup’s roadmap to succeed after liquidating politically and physically the only party capable of tackling the corruption of the Mubarak regime, the regime that is returning stronger than before with its worst elements. Egyptian’s liberals committed the greatest folly in history!
In that James Traub the author of Foreign Policy in his essay "the dark side of liberals Said “....He [Morsy] was a bad president, and an increasingly unpopular one. But nations with no historical experience of democracy do not usually get an effective or liberal-minded ruler the first time around. ……Liberalism itself can become a form of zealotry. This is the dark place in which Egypt now finds itself….”

Where he [Morsy] faced the ‘deep state’ on his own, but liberals and beneficiaries helped this ‘deep state’, and deliberately forgetting that throughout the year Morsi worked through: Corrupted media, corrupted judicial system, police that is the enemy of reform, an destructed education system,and a collapsing economical.
It was natural that the remnants of the Mubarak regime allied to defend their interests and survival, united with the liberals in their hatred of the Muslim Brotherhood and even Islamists in general, some of whom hated Islam itself.
In an attempt to understand how these so called ‘liberals’ that boast to defend freedoms and rights, then stood behind the coup, legitimizing it and denying rights and freedoms to those who opposed and disagreed. So, I went to listen to their interpretation, what I heard was the real coup against values ​​and declining of the principles that were long chanted, they are:

To soothe their conscience, those pro-coup are claiming that there is no difference between what the army did on February 11, 2011 and that of July 3, 2013, ignoring that in 2011 there was a despot ruining the country and nestling for nearly forty years.  There was no mechanism for peaceful and democratic change, and in 2013 there was a democratically elected regime.
It is unfortunate that this happened with the support of some of January 25 revolutionaries, and today they are failing and denying it.
After these months, what the coup did to enable it to rule:
- Many of Morsi’s opponents and stood against him asking him to resign, today they stand in the same trench, not in defense of the MB, but in defense of the revolution and democracy, which is being hit day and night.
- International condemnation of the coup, the African Union suspended the membership of the founder of Egypt! Amnesty International condemns the coup government and denouncing its methods.
- Deepening the divide between the Egyptians.
Egyptian liberals committed the worst sin ever, by supporting a coup to erase Morsi’s mistakes, history will narrate that in the June 30, 2013 sector of the Egyptian people committed a mass suicide, for the first time in history!
Morsi’s mistakes do not equal to the sin of a coup and despicable conspiracy to revolt. We have to review history and avoid the experience of Chile, Romania, Spain and others.
In spite of all this, we still have the time that allows the patriot liberals to regain their position for a principal stand, correct their position and join the peaceful resistance and participate in the overthrow of the coup.  The Trusty honest is the one to admit mistakes before it is too late.