Monday, February 6, 2017

A formal request to the Attorney General of Québec

A formal request to the Attorney General

By: Mohamed S Kamel*
February 2, 2017

On Sunday night at a safe peaceful place, stood the victims with their families and friends at their local mosque to perform their night prayer.  A mosque located in a quiet touristic city. A young Quebecer entered that mosque armed with hate and a rifle, terrorized the prayers, shattered the silence and ended their life.

The young man has been identified as Alexandre Bissonnette, and is being charged with six first-degree murders and five attempted murders. We can’t convict him until the court does, but we have to ask ourselves the question; did he do it alone?

What we know about Alexandre so far is that he was a peaceful young man living a normal life.  However, he has ears and eyes; was not isolated in a silo from all that is happening around him.

Alexandre grew up during the Hérouxville era, when a mayor of a small city, knowing nothing about Muslims or Islam, decided to issue a chart forcing immigrants to accept Quebec values, as if  one’s values are superior to others.

What could he have been thinking as he watched a five-million-dollar commission investigating the so-called “reasonable accommodation”?  A commission to respond to lies and hate propaganda. For sure, he asked himself; “why should we accommodate and receive these people to our country?”

Things did not settle for long before started even more ridiculous ideas with late Quebec’s  government  proposed so-called “Charter of Values”. It did not stop there.  Shortly after, re-started with the Parti Quebecois’ leadership election, where candidates competed for racism and racist votes, and their leader committed to ban Islamic Hijab.

Still no answer to the question; why we receive these people and accommodate their strange religion and values in our country?

Then came the federal election core question, do we allow “Niqabi” women to vote or not? Instead of debating our needs of employment and our children's future, we are debating  nonsense questions.

Again, the Conservative leadership campaign is debating MP Kellie Leitch’s support of Trump’s policy and her plan to screen immigrants for prescribing to ‘Canadian Value’.  Because her understanding of values is superior to everyone else’s, especially those Muslims.
Did we ever speak up against this prejudice and hate speech? We did not! Even some media outlets promoted the notion of superiority.

What we know so far is that Alexandre lived his life and affected by all this propaganda.  Then came Marie Le Pen, the worst right wing in France’s modern history.  Alexandre’s life changed completely after he started following the hate speeches and the fear mongering promoted by Le Pen.

Alexandre reached a point of hate that needed a small push.  Came Trump with his sickening views, and plans that we all listened to, and joked about. He was the spark that flamed this hate into exploding and justified killing neighbours.

Alexandre will be brought to justice, but why alone? He did not commit the crime without support and promotion.  Should we not bring Le Pen and Trump to justice with him, they are the stirrers of this terrorist crime.

Some will reject this notion, how can we possibly think of denying white supremacist the right of free speech or accusing them of complicity?  Both are partners in this crime. That notion is the reason that the world experienced people like Hitler. If we had stopped such fascists, millions of innocents would be alive today.

Consider this as a formal request to the attorney general of Quebec to indict Le Pen and Trump as partners with Alexandre Bissonnette.  Alexandre pulled the trigger but he is not the one that started the provocation the hate and the fear in generations to come.

People in the East and the Middle East are living under double terrorism. Terrorism from their own government and another one from the terrorist groups, such as ISIS. We, in the West, do not know yet the meaning of living under this threat.  The hate mongers brought terrorism home and helped it grow.  Homemade terrorism that is spreading fear.  If we do not resist it, it will become our only core value.

* Mohamed S. Kamel: is a Freelance writer, the editor of, he is a professional engineer, a LEED Green Associate and a recognized project manager professional (PMP), he is Member of several civil society organizations, a co-founder, Secretary General of The Egyptian Revolutionary Council (ERC), a co-founder of the Egyptian Canadian Coalition for Democracy (ECCD-CECD), Egyptian Worldwide for Democracy and Justice (EW4DJ), Canadian Egyptian for Democracy (CEFD), National Association for Change in Egypt (Taghyeer – Canada), Alternative Perspective Media (APM-RAM), , Quebec Antiwar movement “Échec à la Guerre”, Coalition for Justice and Peace in Palestine “CJPP”, ex-president and co-founder of the Canadian Muslim Forum (CMF-FCM), member of the board of trustee in the Canadian Muslim for Palestine (CMP) and Community Center for Montreal Muslims (CCMM). He could be reached at Tel: 1-514-863-9202, and by email: and followed at @mskamel

Articles and thoughts for the writer:

January 27, 2017
When two plus two equal five!
27 يناير 2017
اثنان زائد اثنان لن يساوي خمسة

17 يناير 2017
سنوات الربيع  العربي

28 نوفمبر 2016
الطريق الثالث ام الطابور الخامس

24 يوليو 2016
البحث عن "شريفة وسما"

16 يوليو 2016
الدروس المستفادة من محاولة الانقلاب التركية الفاشلة

11 يوليو 2016
عجل بني اسرائيل

24 يونيو 2016
الأمن القومي

30 مايو 2016
18 مايو 2016
السيسي رئيس لكيان اخر

10 مايو 2016
1000 يوم على ميلاد مصر

8 مايو 2016
تسفيه الأمور وفقدان الذاكرة

28 ابريل 2016
تيران وصنافير
أقوال منقوصة وتفسيرات مغلوط
23 ابريل 2016
قراءه في حديث الافك
13 ابريل 2016
ما وراء تيران وصنافير

March 25th, 2016
Is Brussels going to be the last?
19 مارس 2016
عزاء واجب لشعب مصر

24  فبراير2016
الثورة عمل مشروع

16  فبراير2016
شرعية من؟ ولمذا؟

6  فبراير2016
المجلس الثوري عقبة على طريق شرعنة الانقلاب

2 فبراير2016
ما بين دعشنة الثورة وإجهاضها

25 يناير 2016
الخوف..والوهن..ولقمه العيش في عيد الشرطه الثورة، ومازلت القصة مستمرة
اعادة نشر مقال نشر في 23 يناير 2011

19 يناير 2016
18و19 يناير ضمير الشعب

25 ديسمبر 2015
ثورة أم حل أزمة وقتية

4 نوفمبر 2015
الديمقراطية حق!

1 نوفمبر 2015
سأصطف معك

30 أكتوبر 2015
موقف المجلس الثوري من الاصطفاف والأفكار المطروحة على الساحة
October 21st, 2015
Canadian lost opportunity

September 6th, 2015
Alyan Kurdi, Whom to Blame?

20 أغسطس 2015
باختصار: وثيقة حماية الثورة المصرية

26 يونيو 2015
أزمة الحكومات ووعي الشعوب

May 26th, 2015
Mr. Harper comes from which plant!

11 مايو 2015
ازمة اليسار التائه

12 أكتوبر 2014
لن تكمم ثورة الطلاب

21 أكتوبر 2014
المتحدث باسم المجلس الثوري لـ"عربي 21": الثورة هي الحل لإسقاط الانقلاب محمد كامل: رفض العسكر بالثورة ورفض الإخوان بالصندوق

12 أكتوبر 2014
لن تكمم ثورة الطلاب

September 2nd, 2014
Who will Indict Sisi?

23 يوليو 2014
وسقطت مصر

July 06, 2014
Alastair Campbell from the Iraqi Lie To the Destruction of Egypt
Introduction by: Mohamed Kamel

June 30, 2014  
My Ramadan Message to all Human Beings
رسالة رمضان لكل الانسانية

June 21, 2014
Whose road is ISIL (ISIS)?

14 يونيو 2014
حلم الجيش العربي
25 مايو 2014
المسرحية الهزلية
20 ابريل 2014
صراع الكلاب (Dogfighting)

29 يناير 2014
السيسي ليس ناصر (مجدته أو رفضته)
10 يناير 2014
وثيقة الانقلاب الغير شرعية: لا نقاطعها وحسب، بل نرفضها كليا

31 ديسمبر 2013
فرعون موسى

A joined op-ed with Dena Kamel to the Globe and Mail
December 30, 2013
What constitution you are speaking about…!

1 ديسمبر 2013
رسالة لمصري مونتريال(2)

29 نوفمبر 2013
رسالة لمصري مونتريال

27 أكتوبر 2013
سؤال وجواب بين ناصر والاخوان

14 سبتمبر 2013
أمن المنطق أن نؤيد الانقلاب...!

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عفواً مصر...فهذه هي الثورة المضادة

25 يونيو 2013
استحضار عمر سليمان رجل المخابرات الأمريكية الأول في المنطقة

3 يونيو 2013
خواطر في حب مصر!

9 إبريل 2013
بمن تستقوون على من؟

1 إبريل 2013
مرسي والمعارضة

1 فبراير 2013
هم مجموعه من المخربين...!

27 يناير 2013
من هم القتلة؟

26 يناير 2013
ما بين الوطنية والانتهازية

January 25, 2013
Thought and Reflection, 2 years after Egyptian Revolution
When leftists support The Muslim Brotherhood”

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مبروك لمصر، ولكن المعركة طويلة

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قراءه في نتيجة الانتخاب، من ينتصر؟.. الثورة أم عبيد مبارك؟

23 مايو 2012
اليوم.......... مصر تنتخب

26 ابريل 2012
لماذا سأنتخب أبو الفتوح؟

11 ابريل 2012
من يصلح رئيسا لمصر؟

9 ابريل 2012
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2 ابريل 2012
رئيسا لمصر

24 يناير 2012
كل عام ومصر بخير

January 20th, 2012
A year of a great revolution

22 نوفمبر 2011
المراهقة السياسية

November 19th, 2011
In the name of the revolution they are killing it

October 22nd, 2011
Revolution to build, not to revenge

23 يوليو 2011
لا تجهضوا الثورة

June 12th, 2011
The Arab Spring- a real people revolution

2 يونيو 2011
الثورة المصرية بن الحلم و الواقع

April 3rd, 2011
Palestine and the Egyptian Revolution

March 4, 2011
الشعب يريد تطهير البلاد... كل البلاد

February 13th, 2011
It is a Revolution that is changing the face of the Middle East

23 يناير 2011
الخوف..والوهن..ولقمه العيش في عيد الشرطة

January 15, 2011
و... لتكن تونس والسودان عظة لمصر

January 8th, 2011
(Witten on December 10, 2010)
Is this Egypt that we knew?


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