Monday, December 15, 2014

CIA Torture Report Is Not The End Of It! By: Mohamed S. Kamel

CIA Torture Report Is Not The End Of It!

By: Mohamed S. Kamel*
December 15th, 2014

When Dianne Feinstein, the chair of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, stood in front of the Camera to tell us what we know for more than 10 years, most of us were relieved that the CIA long known secret became well known formally.  Even if those who practiced torture still deny the facts, at least their own government condemned them on the political and public relation level.
CIA dirty work is not news in itself, but the idea of justifying the humiliation of a human being is the key point.  The US government tried hard to convince its own citizens to humiliate some of ‘THEM’ to save ‘US’.  It worked and most of US citizens closed their eyes and silenced their conscience.

The idea of torture was strange to the western citizen and contrary to our value of respecting human beings.  But US officials and the CIA, their torture machines, justified their crime as ‘necessary after 9/11, a crime that has been used to compromise people’s perception to the Human Rights as a value.
The 6,000-page[1] report is not only about the well-known bad game in the Guantanamo-bay torture facility but it was a lot of violations of all principles that represent a dark side of humanity’s modern history.     

         The long trusted doctors were a key to this operation, where the CIA hired two psychologists, James Mitchell and Bruce Jessen, to develop enhanced interrogation techniques to be used on terror suspects and other detainees, they had sworn to respect Human Dignity and violated the oath and the dignity.
         The agency who should protect and apply law, worked against the law and the people, where the CIA provided the company and its employees with an indemnification agreement as protection from lawsuits.  
         While we fight corruption, illegal money transfer and bribing third world countries officials, as in construction and other trade contracts, the CIA provided millions of dollars in cash payments to foreign government officials. Here we have to remember the rendition program where in 2005, CIA effectively outsourced operations related to its detention and interrogation program to third world intelligent services in Syria, Jordan, Morocco and Egypt where Omar Suleiman, the late head of its intelligent service, was the engineer of all operations.

The problem is not only the violation of Human Rights, but also the change in the general public acceptance for this violation, where terminologies have been created to turn the bad reality into accepted actions.  It started with the usage of ‘collateral damageas a synonym to the killing of civilians in cold blood, that ended with ‘enhanced interrogationinstead of its real name torture.

So long as we dont respect the human dignity of the ‘OTHERS, we are losing the way to even respect our dignity.  Compromising other people right’s is the start in losing our own rights, but fear created it and that is what the CIA did and profited from. 

We have to understand that revealing the story and admitting the wrongdoing by the government doesnt stop the CIA from keeping their program under different names or different tactics.  We shouldnt forget that countries still practice torture for them under their control;

         The Syrian regime will remain in power or will be replaced with a more loyal one, and we will see how the ISIL came to the front when the revolutionary was very close to defeating the tyrant of Damascus.
         Egypt’s fascist Military Coup was financed and supported to overcome the people’s real democracy in the region as a legitimate outcome of January 25, 2011 revolution.

It takes five years searching within six million internal CIA documents with a cost more than forty million dollars to tell us they did it, or they are doing it for 13 years or maybe longer.  So how much and how long we will wait until we see all these perpetrators facing justice, unless this happens and until it happens we will remain unsafe, all of us, unsafe under this dirty secret game run by sick people.

* Mohamed S. Kamel: is a Freelance writer, the editor of, he is a professional engineer, a LEED Green Associate and a recognized project manager professional (PMP), he is Member of several civil society organizations, a co-founder, member of the executive committee and a spokesperson of The Egyptian Revolutionary Council (ERC), a co-founder of the Egyptian Canadian Coalition for Democracy (ECCD-CECD(, Egyptian Worldwide for Democracy and Justice (EW4DJ), Canadian Egyptian for Democracy (CEFD), National Association for Change in Egypt (Taghyeer – Canada), Alternative Perspective Media (APM-RAM), , Quebec Antiwar movement “Échec à la Guerre”, Coalition for Justice and Peace in Palestine “CJPP”, ex-president and co-founder of the Canadian Muslim Forum (CMF-FCM), member of the board of trustee in the Canadian Muslim for Palestine (CMP) and Community Center for Montreal Muslims (CCMM). He could be reached at and followed at @mskamel

My articles that related to the situation in Egypt, in English and Arabic:

12 أكتوبر 2014
لن تكمم ثورة الطلاب

September 2nd, 2014
Who will Indict Sisi?

23 يوليو 2014
وسقطت مصر

July 06, 2014
Alastair Campbell from the Iraqi Lie To the Destruction of Egypt
Introduction by: Mohamed Kamel

June 30, 2014  
My Ramadan Message to all Human Beings
رسالة رمضان لكل الانسانية

June 21, 2014
Whose road is ISIL (ISIS)?

14 يونيو 2014
حلم الجيش العربي
25 مايو 2014
المسرحية الهزلية
20 ابريل 2014
صراع الكلاب (Dogfighting)

29 يناير 2014
السيسي ليس ناصر (مجدته أو رفضته)
10 يناير 2014
وثيقة الانقلاب الغير شرعية: لا نقاطعها وحسب، بل نرفضها كليا

31 ديسمبر 2013
فرعون موسى

A joined op-ed with Dena Kamel to the Globe and Mail
December 30, 2013
What constitution you are speaking about!

1 ديسمبر 2013
رسالة لمصري مونتريال(2)

29 نوفمبر 2013
رسالة لمصري مونتريال

سؤال وجواب بين ناصر والاخوان
27 أكتوبر 2013

14 سبتمبر 2013
أمن المنطق أن نؤيد الانقلاب...!

26 يوليو 2013
هل شاء يونيو أن يكون شهر الانتكاسات؟

30 يونيو 2013
عفواً مصر...فهذه هي الثورة المضادة

25 يونيو 2013
استحضار عمر سليمان رجل المخابرات الأمريكية الأول في المنطقة

3 يونيو 2013
خواطر في حب مصر!

9 إبريل 2013
بمن تستقوون على من؟

1 إبريل 2013
مرسي والمعارضة

1 فبراير 2013
هم مجموعه من المخربين...!

27 يناير 2013
من هم القتلة؟

26 يناير 2013
ما بين الوطنية والانتهازية

January 25, 2013
Thought and Reflection, 2 years after Egyptian Revolution
When leftists support The Muslim Brotherhood

14 ديسمبر 2012
مغالطات وأكاذيب تشاع عن الدستور

2 ديسمبر 2012
لنقرأ الدستور ثم نقرر

23 نوفمبر 2012
كلما أصاب غضبوا..... أهم أبناء مبارك؟

23 يوليو 2012
لقد رحل رجل المخابرات الأمريكية الأول في المنطقة

30 يونيو 2012
بداية رؤية الضوء

17 يونيو 2012
مبروك لمصر، ولكن المعركة طويلة

15 يونيو 2012
معا ننتخب منقذ مصر، صديق أمريكا وإسرائيل

14 يونيو 2012
نداء أخير إلى كل شرفاء مصر

4 يونيو 2012
الحكم على مبارك والجولة الثانية للانتخابات

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قراءه في نتيجة الانتخاب، من ينتصر؟.. الثورة أم عبيد مبارك؟

23 مايو 2012
اليوم.......... مصر تنتخب

26 ابريل 2012
لماذا سأنتخب أبو الفتوح؟

11 ابريل 2012
من يصلح رئيسا لمصر؟

9 ابريل 2012
رسالة مفتوحه لرئيس مصر: كرامة الإنسان المصري

2 ابريل 2012
رئيسا لمصر

24 يناير 2012
كل عام ومصر بخير

January 20th, 2012
A year of a great revolution

22 نوفمبر 2011
المراهقة السياسية

November 19th, 2011
In the name of the revolution they are killing it

October 22nd, 2011
Revolution to build, not to revenge

23 يوليو 2011
لا تجهضوا الثورة

June 12th, 2011
The Arab Spring- a real people revolution

2 يونيو 2011
الثورة المصرية بن الحلم و الواقع

April 3rd, 2011
Palestine and the Egyptian Revolution

March 4, 2011
الشعب يريد تطهير البلاد... كل البلاد

February 13th, 2011
It is a Revolution that is changing the face of the Middle East

23 يناير 2011
الخوف..والوهن..ولقمه العيش في عيد الشرطة

January 15, 2011
و... لتكن تونس والسودان عظة لمصر

January 8th, 2011
(Witten on December 10, 2010)
Is this Egypt that we knew?

[1] Unclassified Findings and Conclusions, Executive Summary


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