Sunday, November 26, 2000

To the Gazette: Human Rights by: Mohamed kamel

                                                                Mohamed Sherif Kamel
To:                   Editor in Chief, The Gazette

Subject:    Human Rights


No body from the Canadian media did brought to our attention the report that presented two weeks ago from Mrs. Robinson-the head of the international commissions of human rights- to the UN secretary general condemning what she called the lies and the aggressions of the Israeli government in there respond to the frustration of the Palestinian people.


Less then two years ago the same person from the same position presented her report concerning what was going on in East Timor, at that time all the media presented her report and the international community did not stop their pressure until the Indonesian government accept the international force to defend those poor people in East Timor.

It is the same, but the only different is that the accused here is Israel and all the media treat them a special treatment, for no justified reason.

I do not understand the hesitation of the entire world and how they are not able to stop this aggression against 3 million people in their occupied land "west bank and Gaza" in addition to one million Arab live in 1947 boarder.

Can any body present a justified difference between what is going on against the Palestinian people and what happened in Bosnia, Kosovo, Kuwiet, East Timor,…etc

I would like to thank you in behalf of humanity for your coverage of the news, but please be fair you will be judged not only today or tomorrow but also for hundreds years to come.

Mohamed sherif kamel
Freelance writer, Montréal, Canada


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